Friday, January 31, 2014

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Prompt:  THE STORY!
Part 1:  
   Step A: On strips of paper, write your own ideas for 

  • 5 characters --  examples:  a 5 year old child, a daring young firefighter, one of your classmates, a talking zebra  (pink for people)
  • 5 settings (place) -- examples: American Fork Junior High School, an abandoned warehouse (blue)
  • 5 settings (time) -- examples: after midnight,  in the 1800s, last week   (goldenrod)
  • 5 conflicts (problems) -- examples:  an evil villain (who?) is planning to. . . . , ______ is flunking _____  (green)
  • 5 objects (any object that could be included in a story) -- examples:  a hairbrush with hair still on it, an ancient mummy, a rock from a distant planet, a bowl of spaghetti  (yellow)
    Step B:  Place your strips into the appropriate bags.  

Reminder of  Story Grammar and writing process.

Most short stories follow this pattern called a Plot Map, Plot 

Diagram, Story Map, Story Grammar

1. Exposition -- introduces the main characters and setting 

and gives any necessary background information.

2. Rising Action -- introduces the problem or problems, then 

builds tension.

3. Climax -- the problem is solved or things somehow 


4. Falling action -- What do the characters do after the 

problem is solved or after there is a major change?

5. Resolution -- What was the end result? 

Part 2:  On your own or with a partner, draw one item from each of the bags and create an outline or  rough draft for a story that uses each of those word strips. 

Part 3:  Discuss the importance of revising and editing.  
 Revise and Edit it yourself.
Enlist other eyes to look closely at your work.
Required: Have Ms. Dorsey check it before it is printed.

Receive grading rubric for books for children.
Schedule and Due Date: 
Today:  Lab 223 -- Work on your Children's Books
February 6: Lab 223
February 12: Lab 223
Febuary 19:  Lab 223  
February 21:  Books Due -- Completed!  

Monday, January 27, 2014

Friday, January 31, 2014

Prompt:  Write a poem, story, reflection, description, informative piece -- anything you wish that you can any way connect to this image.

Present Me-Bags and take notes on them 
Computer Lab 211:  Work on Children's books.
This is a link to our kidblog. Select your name from the drop-down list. Your password is your student number.

Friday, January 24, 2014

Jelly Bean

Oh Jelly Bean,
Looking like a tiny rounded speckled cow
your colors, brown and cream
Excite my taste-buds.
I pop you in my mouth,
Delight in sweetness,
Sweet memories of campfires,
toasting deliciousness.
You are the best of jelly-goodness.
I praise and devour you forever.
      -- Ms. Dorsey

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Announcements and Reminders: 
Today is our "field trip" to Legacy Elementary.
Dress for the weather and for the walk! 

Maybe not quite like this. . . 

or like this.

Today’s Agenda

  • Prompt:  Respond to this painting with a story, poem, description, or other format. 
  • Me-Bags
  • Fieldtrip to Legacy to interview the children. 
    • Do NOT lose your interview papers.

If you were absent: 

Monday, January 27, 2014

Announcements and Reminders: 

  • Bring a favorite children's book today.
  • On Wednesday we will go to Legacy to interview the children in preparation for creating books for them. 
  • Dress for the weather and the walk.

Today’s Agenda:
1.  Writing Prompt:  Select a prompt from your list of prompts about yourself and your thoughts.  Give it a fitting label and add today's date. 

2.  Share Me-Bags and Books

3. Computer Lab 223 to finish posts about your writing process and to create a post for your favorite words. 
Title the latter "Favorite Words." 

If you get done early, type up your "If I Were In Charge" poem.

This is a link to our kidblog. Select your name from the drop-down list. Your password is your student number.
Tentative: Computer Lab 223 to write about "My Writing Process."
See the instructions here: Your Writing Process
Sample: Ms. Dorsey's Writing Process

If you were absent:  See above. 

Hopefully, we will be able to use Lab 223 today.
Join class blog and complete assignment about your own writing process. This is a link to our class blog. Select your name from the drop-down list. Your password is your student number.
Tentative: Computer Lab 223 to write about "My Writing Process."
See the instructions here: Your Writing Process
Sample: Ms. Dorsey's Writing Process

Also on Kidblog,  create a post with a list of favorite words.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Announcements and Reminders: 

Do not forget to come prepared on the day you present your Me-Bag. 

Next time:  Bring a favorite book from your childhood.  

We will be going to Legacy on January 29 to interview children in preparation for creating books for them.  Dress that day for the weather and for the walk! 

Maybe not quite like this. . . 

or like this.

Today’s Agenda:

1. Prompt: 

1. Respond to this picture prompt with a poem, story, description, explanation, commentary, or whatever you wish. Label it "Small" and add today's date.

2. Share Me-Bags and Take Notes
3. Finish your "If I Were in Charge of the World" poem.
4. About the Children's Book Project
      and  Practice Interviews  
View some photos from last semester.

5. (if time)  Begin Collecting Favorite words     
"Bulbous Bouffant"

If you were absent:  See above.

Qualities and Features of Children’s Books
 Alphabet – based on one subject – guessing
Easy to understand and read
Use big words – a few for fun
Lots of illustrations
Whole page of illustration
Fun or funny – humor
Short sentences – rhymes
Animals, bugs,
Fractured fairy tales – like something familiar with new twist
Word play
Things that can’t happen in real life
The hero is kid

Monday, January 20, 2014

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Announcements and Reminders: 
Don't forget your day to present your Me-Bag.

Today’s Agenda:

1.  Prompt:  Use the ideas you collected in your three columns last time as you create an
"If I Were in Charge of the World" poem.

What bothers you?
What do you love or enjoy?
What would you change if you could? 

[Appointment Clocks]
Try them out.

2.  Share Me-Bags and Take Notes
           and one or two headlines  

3.  Join class blog and complete assignment about your own writing process. This is a link to our class blog.   Select your name from the drop-down list.  Your password is your student number. 
Tentative: Computer Lab 223 to write about "My Writing Process." 
 See the instructions here: Your Writing Process
Sample: Ms. Dorsey's Writing Process

If you were absent: 

What is "The Writing Process"?  

The Writing Process





This looks really good, but actually revising should come before editing! Do you know way? 

This is something like my dream spot to write -- a cabin on a lake in the mountains.

To help your writing:  Here is a huge list of adjectives! List

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Announcements and Reminders:

  • Do not forget to return your signed disclosure document.
  • Did you bring a notebook to leave in the class -- in your folder?  If not, bring one as soon as you can. 

  • Please notice and be prepared for your day to present your Me-Bag.

Today's Agenda:

  1. In your notebook:   Writing Prompt: Select one of the prompts from your list to write about.  Write at least a half-page.
  2. Finish sharing headlines.
  3. Advice -- from last semester's class
  4. Share Me-Bags and take notes on them in your notebook.
  5. In your notebook: Prewriting -- Make three columns for --

What bothers you?
What do you love or enjoy?
What would you change if you could? 

     6.  Writing. . . . . . .  Use your chart -- prewriting -- to write a . . . .

If you were absent:  See above.  

We want to write fantasy/fiction, persuasive/argument, science fiction, humor, historical fiction, realistic fiction, poetry, children's books.

Little Girl's Dad Takes a Fall
Back to Back Champs!
Girl Gets Hit in the Face With a Ball
Toddler Breaks Leg Mysteriously.  No One Knows How.
Family Moves Out of Old House
Eight Year Old Gets Stitches
Eleven Year Old Trains Goldfish
Girl Has Embarrassing Dance
Girl Falls Off Snowboard Lift
Three Year Old Child Pulls Fire Alarm
Treehouse Collapses with Children On It
Hit My Brother with a Shovel
Eleven Year Old Girl Wins School-Wide Spelling Bee
Injury Doesn't Stop Determination
Girl's Baby Sister Goes to Hospital
Sixteen Hour Drive to Oregon
Family Vacation in San Diego
Family Sealed in Temple
Young Girl Breaks Arm on Bike
4-H Overall Speed!
4th Overall Speed!
Kindergarten Girl Chased by Bulldog
Three Year Old Girl almost Gets Run Over
Mother Left Behind At Gas Station By Children
Youth Reads Colossal Book
Boy Sleeps Through Fire Alarm
Car Crash in Idaho

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Tuesday, January 14, 2013

1.  Writing prompt:  Write something based on this picture.  Label it with your name and today's date. 


  • Receive disclosure documents
    • You need a composition book/notebook to keep in class. 
  • Receive folder/computer lab number
  • Receive prompt list
  • Receive Me-Bag assignment
  • Headlines! Write a headline (like a newspaper headline) about something unique or interesting about you.  We will share and post these.

See also


Monday, January 13, 2014

Super Cool -- So Cool It's Frozen!

This is being called an anthem for girls, in fact "an anthem for anyone who has ever felt dissed, disenfranchised, or devalued." [buzzfeed]  Do you agree with the lyrics?  Do you agree with part of them and disagree with other parts?  Why? 

Let It Go Lyrics  found at
by Idina Menzel
The snow glows white on the mountain
Not a footprint to be seen
A kingdom of isolation, and it looks like I'm
the Queen
The wind is howling like the swirling storm
Couldn't keep it in; Heaven knows I've
Don't let them in, don't let them see
Be the good girl you always have to be
Conceal, don't feel, don't let them know Well now they know
Let it go, let it go
Can't hold it back any more
Let it go, let it go
Turn away and slam the door
I don't care what they're going to say
Let the storm rage on
The cold never bothered me anyway
It's funny how some distance Makes everything seem small
And the fears that once controlled me
Can't get to me at all
It's time to see what I can do
To test the limits and break through
No right, no wrong, no rules for me,
I'm free!
Let it go, let it go
I am one with the wind and sky
Let it go, let it go
You'll never see me cry
Here I stand
And here I'll stay
Let the storm rage on
My power flurries through the air into the
My soul is spiraling in frozen fractals all
And one thought crystallizes like an icy
I'm never going back, the past is in the
Let it go, let it go
And I'll rise like the break of dawn
Let it go, let it go
That perfect girl is gone
Here I stand
In the light of day
Let the storm rage on
The cold never bothered me anyway!

Friday, January 10, 2014


 Welcome!  If you've enrolled in Creative Writing class, look forward to doing lots of writing!  

Needed Supplies:
For Ms. Dorsey's Creative Writing class, you will need a composition book, not a spiral bound notebook, but one of the cardboard covered composition books.

You'll need plenty of pens and pencils.  You're expected to come each day with your own.

You'll also need to bring loose-leaf paper.
A three-ring binder (which could be used for more than one class) will help you stay organized.

A thumb drive is very helpful for saving and transporting work from one computer to another.  The thumb drive could be used for other classes, too.

This post was originally published in  July, 2010, and revised in July 2011,  and again in June of 2012, and again in January and July of 2013. 

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Friday, January 10, 2014

Prompt:  Write your best writing advice for the students who will be in the second semester writing class.  Write neatly and legibly.

Take home your composition books and any other papers you'd like back.

Field trip to Legacy to deliver children's books.  Dress for the weather outside!

Note to teacher:  Bring camera!

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Bring treats. I'll supply hot chocolate.  We'll have a Write-a-Thon, Share-a-Thon, writing together and sharing  things you've written.  

Friday, January 10, we will deliver the books to the first graders at Legacy. We will leave here just before 9 am and should be back in time for you to get to class.  Snow flurries are predicted, so dress warmly.

January 8 Prompt 1

January 8 Prompt 2

Monday, January 6, 2014

Writing Rules

Instructions for living a life:

Instructions for living a life:
Pay attention.
Be astonished.
Tell about it.
by the poet Mary Oliver, found by and shared by Rachel Melzer Coleman

A poem by Mary Oliver:!/20606256

Your Writing Process

Title this  "My Writing Process."

     Write about  your own personal writing process.  Consider the questions below, and/or add comments of your own.  You do not have to answer all of the questions below.  Use them as thinking-starters.
Thinking-Starter Questions: 
Prewriting -- Do you use prewriting? What kinds of prewriting do you use?    
Drafting -- How and where do you like to draft?  Where do you write?  Do you like to use a certain type of pen or pencil or paper?
Quirkiness -- Do you have any writing quirks? (Examples of quirks: One writer says he does his best writing in a warm bath.  Another has to have a large bag of M ‘n M’s by her side as she writes.
Revising -- What kinds of revision do you use the most? How many drafts do you usually go through to produce a quality piece of writing?  Do you ask other people to read a draft and make suggestions for revision?
Editing -- How comfortable are you with editing?  Do you get help editing your papers?
Publishing -- What types of publishing have you done? (in class? on the Internet? in a newspaper? Other?) 

What is your greatest writing weakness?  What is your greatest writing strength?

  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

What is "The Writing Process"?  

The Writing Process





This looks really good, but actually revising should come before editing! Do you know way? 

To help your writing:  Here is a huge list of adjectives! List

Monday, January 6, 2014

1.  Today's Prompt:    Either
What are your New Year's Resolutions?   or  Why you do or do not make resolutions
Write about something you did over the Christmas/New Year's holiday.

Announcements and Reminders:
Next Monday, January 13,  is the last day of this term.

Wednesday, January 8:  Bring treats. I'll supply hot chocolate.  We'll have a Write-a-Thon, Share-a-Thon, writing together and sharing  things you've written.  

Friday, January 10, we will deliver the books to the first graders at Legacy. We will leave here just before 9 am and should be back in time for you to get to class.  

1.  Today's Prompt:    Either
What are your New Year's Resolutions?   or  Why you do or do not make resolutions
Write about something you did over the Christmas/New Year's holiday.

2. Revising and Editing
   2a.  Practice:  "Splash Mountain"    Make corrections on your copy. 

the time we went two splash mountain

            We drove to california and went to disneyland  we got 

our tickets and went in.  We got on splash mountain  I felt 

nervous. When the ride started up  I got really nervous.  I could 

here people screaming.   I was really really really scared, but 

soon it was over.   i felt closer to my dad because of that.    

After that we went and ate hamburgers.   I ate alot of fries to.   

I will never forget that trip!!!!!!!


2c. Adding Sensory Images:  Use Your Fingers!

2d. Editing: What do you look for when you edit?   

Computer Lab 223 -- 
1. "Finish" either your memoir or your short story.   (Do not forget to revise and edit.)
2. Print off one item from the blog to pass around on Wednesday in class. 

If you were absent:

  • Read through the announcements.
  • Write today's prompt. 
  • Complete the editing exercise and study the links about revision.  
  • If you haven't yet, put your short story and memoir beginnings on our kidblog and "finish" one of them, revising and editing it.  Print off one piece of writing you would like to share and bring it on Wednesday.