Contests and Other Opportunities for Young Writers

Here is a contest you can enter:  
Print an extra copy of your entry to give to me for extra credit:


Previous Years

Learning Opportunity: 
podcasts with Brandon Sanderson, Dan Wells, Mary Robinette Kowal, Howard Tayler

I can now access the information for you to log into Utah Compose -- in case you'd like to write 

the Duct Tape Essay for the Writing Lab Contest.
Contest Open from March 13 - April 24.
Entries cannot exceed 2500 words in length.


By March 9, 2015 -Contest: Editorial Writing 


Enter this contest with an entry that is good enough to be at least considered for a prize:
2nd Annual Holiday Writing Contest
Open to all students.  Contest is open from November 12 to December 12, 2014
7th and 8th grades may submit entries on MyAccess. Entries should be 2000 words or less.  The latest scored entry on MyAccess will be considered as the student’s competition entry. Entries must be submitted by end of school day on Friday, December 12.
9th grade students may submit stories, printed on white paper, to Mrs. John in the writing lab. Contest is limited to one entry per student. Printed stories should be in Times New Roman font, 12 pt, and double spaced.  Include a title and author’s name on the front page. Entries should be 2000 words or less. Entries must be turned in by end of school on Friday, December 12.
All submitted writing should be the original work of the individual and not copied or plagiarized from another source.
Prizes for the top three stories will be awarded.

If you wish extra credit, bring a copy of your entry to Ms. Dorsey. 

Write to the prompt on this website, submit it and bring me a copy:


Don't forget our class Zombie Haiku Contest!     -- This is over, thanks. 

Extra credit is available for entering any of these contests. Just bring Ms. D. a copy of your entry. 
Mrs. John in the the English Department Writing Lab is sponsoring another Scary Story Contest.

2nd Annual Scary Story Contest
Open to all students.  Contest is open from October 1 to October 27, 2014
 7th and 8th grades may submit entries on MyAccess. Entries should be 2000 words or less.  The latest scored entry on MyAccess will be considered as the student’s competition entry. Entries must be submitted by end of school day on Monday, October 27th.
9th grade students may submit stories, printed on white paper, to Mrs. John in the writing lab. Contest is limited to one entry per student. Printed stories should be in Times New Roman font, 12 pt, and double spaced.  Include a title and author’s name on the front page. Entries should be 2000 words or less. Entries must be turned in by end of school on Monday, October 27.
All submitted writing should be the original work of the individual and not copied or plagiarized from another source.

Prizes for the top three stories will be awarded.

Scary Story Contest
The American Fork Friends of the Library is pleased to announce
2014 Scary Story Contest!

All entries, along with a $3 entry fee, must be received at the Library 

prior to closing (6:00 pm) on Saturday October 11, 2014. No stories will 

be accepted without the entry fee.

Awards will be announced at an author's reception held at the Library on Monday October 27, 2014 at 7:00 pm.
Submission guidelines and entry forms are available at the Library.


2014 PTSA Reflections Contest  -- The theme is
The deadline for entries is  The World Would Be A Better Place If ...
Watch the school website for more information, and/or check the front office for entry forms.
You can also go here:  and scroll down for rules and entry forms.
Submissions due October 22, but there is a bonus prize if the entry is turned in to the front office before Fall Break! 

The categories are Visual Arts, Dance Choreography, Photography, Musical Composition, Film Production, Literature, 3D Art, and Theatre
Students may enter as many categories as they would like, with one entry allowed per category (for a total of up to eight entries)

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